First and foremost, beyond all else, you are a woman. The so often quiet force that tempers the stress, stops the unjust and calms the shaking fears that can gobble up a family, a business, a community- the whole world.
Where does our strength come from? Do we realize how much we have? How empowered we are, even when we feel powerless?
Yes, we are women with challenges. Some have more challenges than others. Some live with challenges barely visible. Some struggle with challenges so great they take your breath away.
But still, no matter our firework filled days and our wide-awake nights, we are the gender that holds the stuff both big and the small, together. We are the movers behind the movements. We are the one group, history proclaims as the group who teaches, loves and helps those in need.
Don’t doubt that. Don’t accept the plaguing suspicions that yell “Not me. I’m not tough. I crumble. I cry. I can’t. I won’t. I don’t.” Trust me, those are nasty bugs that chomp on your sense of self. Oh, I know all about those icky bug bites. I’ve laid in bed days on end sinking into my sleep like a mamma bear who surrenders to the lushness of a long snooze in a quiet cave. But when I must, I do find the fortitude to face the tough stuff. It might take all of my might, tons of support from my supporters, and lots of studying how best I can interact with the world, but eventually I find the will to get together whatever needs getting together. Sure, while I’m at it, I may perseverate for too long. I might rub my hands until they ache. I’ll likely bite my lip and my nails. I’ll surely feel the belly ache that swirls when I’m stressed or confused, but when it’s all said and done, I will muster through. And then, I will look in the mirror and remind myself ~ I can. I do. I will. I did.
Life isn’t easy. Problems are rarely solved perfectly. Fun doesn’t come out to play everyday. Truth is, no one said things would be fair, but hey, that’s life and it’s yours for the taking and yours for the making.
You be you, the best you there is. Don’t be afraid to turn a blank stare and a hollow ear to those who would criticize you. Accept no judgment that doesn’t put you in the embrace of good. Turn the tables on the yucky and be true to your potential.
When you look in your mirror, let it bring a message of peace and acceptance. Accept your flaws and your “I can’t today” days. Respect your need for quiet or solitude or escape. Promise yourself you will love who you are, even if it feels like no one can give the same promise.
And remember… always remember… you are preciously made. You define who you are. You pave your own path. Whatever you do, do it as best you can. Wherever you go, go with dignity and kindness. Share what you hope others will share with you. Smile at the storms. Carry on. You’re worth a world of gold. Cherish you!