This time of year is fraught with fluctuations. I'll enjoy the leaves new colors here in the Midwest where I live, but that's about it. I'll be fine, because I've had years to tell myself change is normal. Seasons come and go. Time alters things. I can't stop any of that. I can't embrace that. Best I can hope for is a neutral ho hum here we go again attitude; an attitude that lends itself to acceptance and beyond that, the knowledge that even change can have consistency, because in fact, it's gonna happen whether we like it or not.
As the contestants on the TV show Big Brother like to say, "Expect the unexpected". Be prepared for it. Have a backup plan. Keep a list of things you can do when change comes up and bites you smack in the butt. Be pragmatic about your options and be honest about your needs. Find a friend or an emergency contact to have on call should you have a bit of a panic or a touch of a meltdown, thanks to a yucky change. And always remember, that time will pass and the sting of the change will lessen and you will survive.