Rant aside; there are some main truths to be found in this climate of unspeakable pain and devastation.
1) The world needs to come to terms with mental illness, providing early education, life-long supports for those affected, and a community of compassion. 2) Despite many 'experts' claiming autism is a mental illness, it is a neurobiological developmental disorder.
3) A course in research and statistics is in order for all. Point of fact, in populations as large as the autism and mental illness communities, there is no denying some individuals affected by one or the other or both, will commit a shocking crime, however (and this is a very important however) criminal justice research reports the odds are far higher that someone without these challenges will be the perpetrators of shocking crimes while people with an autistic spectrum disorder are more often the victims.
Let’s wrap our head around the fact the world can be very cruel to people who will take their inner confusion and rage in a myriad of ways from self-mutilation to an eating disorder to never leaving the couch to, horribly, killing. If we expect these horror stories to end, we need to do a much better job of being supportive and kind and helpful toward our fellow humans.
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