But it doesn’t have to.
I challenge you to wake up each morning with a deep appreciation for who you are and for what you can do. Love yourself. Love your flaws and your strengths, your quirks and your gifts, for each bit of who you are makes you the best you can be.
Learn from your mistakes and pass on the wisdom of your new knowledge to those who might benefit from your experiences. Share who you are and how you came to be you, and you will have turned a negative into a positive.
Never take yourself or your mishaps too seriously. Laugh at yourself. Laughter isn’t just the best medicine; it is the medicine that can heal any pain, no matter how deep the pain goes.
Daydream. Indulge in your favorite music. Read a book that brings you bliss. Take photographs of things that bring you joy. Doodle silly things. Learn a new hobby. Dare yourself to be happy and take that dare.
Create an image of who you want to be and then become that person. Realize that no one but you are in control of your destiny. You own your right to a happy and productive life. Take ownership of your possibilities and your hopes for your life.
Don’t give in to the self-wounding thoughts or behaviors that try to convince you your life is filled with too many roadblocks. The truth is, every single human ever born, has had their fair share of roadblocks. There is nothing unique about fighting an uphill battle, but there is something unique about you. Find that unique gem that makes you stand out from the crowd in whatever way that may be. Then polish that gem until it is radiant.
When all is said and done, rejoice in your world and know, really know, that a life enriched with good things, and a life well lived, is within your reach. Grab it.